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snippet: This layer depicts Hurricane Risk Areas as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA).
summary: This layer depicts Hurricane Risk Areas as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA).
extent: [[-95.797073613747,28.7909062887401],[-94.3551585387434,29.9390804322737]]
accessInformation: COH OEM
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This layer depicts Hurricane Risk Areas as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA). This theme originated using transportation maps as a base.
licenseInfo: Disclaimer: COHGIS data is prepared and made available for general reference purposes only and should not be used, or relied upon for specific applications, without independent verification. The City of Houston neither represents, nor warrants COHGIS data accuracy, or completeness, nor will the City of Houston accept liability of any kind in conjunction with its use.
title: Hurricane Risk Areas
type: Map Service
tags: ["City of Houston","Harris County","Hurricane Risk","zones"]
culture: en-US
name: HurricaneRiskArea
guid: 82884082-D667-4772-9B75-30B50F3F01B0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_South_Central_FIPS_4204_Feet